May Photo A Day ~ Day 31: Four Things

Taken with iPhone 3GS camera, enhanced in Snapseed, text in Phoster.

The last day of May Photo A Day and I’m glad I never missed a day. Although this is a photo challenge, for me it’s actually a challenge to write because this write & delete thing has been going on too long. So, thanks to the challenge (and you!), I’ll try to write more even without photo challenges.

We (Freya & I) are having a sleepover at our friends’ and it took me 45 minutes to upload the pic from the 17th floor, I almost gave up. Well, there you go. If you’ll excuse me, I need to catch some Z’s. Good night!

May Photo A Day ~ Day 30: Tool

Taken with iPhone 3GS camera, effects in Snapseed, text in Phoster.

Stylus pen from Targus for doodling on my iPad. Originally I intended to buy it for playing Draw Something. But then Paper by Fiftythree came along and it became a must-have tool. I must say that this tool is the one responsible for these doodles. I call them doodles because I haven’t mastered the techniques yet. Back in my days at uni, I used ‘real’ tools (pencil, crayon, water color, etc.) but this will do for now because I can bring it with me and doodle anytime I want. πŸ™‚

May Photo A Day ~ Day 27: Can’t Live Without


…Thyrax. Half a pill every morning on an empty stomach. Wait 30 minutes before having breakfast.

Started this routine in 2009, a year after I underwent thyroid lobectomy (due to possibly malignant nodule in my left thyroid lobe). The diagnosis was Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma. “Luckily” the type is the slowest in terms of growth rate and it was found early (2nd stage) but apparently the remaining thyroid gland cannot keep up so I have to take this supplement every day for the rest of my life. To get to this dose I have to endure weight loss/gain, stomach cramps, hair loss, and mood swing episodes. But the good news is when I saw the doctor last week the numbers were all good, which means half a pill will do for now. πŸ™‚

May Photo A Day ~ Day 26: Fave Thing to Do on Sunday

Taken with iPhone 3GS camera, framed & labelled in PicFrame.

…is spending time with her.

She had a fever again last night so we had to cancel going to Ennichisai–Japan festival–today. I told her that we could have our own Japan festival at home. After taking her bath, she put on the Japanese outfit I bought for her at last year’s Ennichisai and turned on the TV to Animax channel. Later on, Putra and Rina came and brought us this γ‚Šγ‚“γ”ι£΄ (apple candy). Due to her (other) wiggly tooth, she could only lick the candy part. But she managed to make her own apple candy using ice cream stick and a piece of paper. πŸ˜‰

Funny thing is today, of all days, she completely forgot about PokΓ©mon and Sanrio being from Japan. πŸ˜€

May Photo A Day ~ Day 24: Go

Taken with iPad 2 camera, text in Phoster.

Freya and her friend went cart-racing using two plastic chairs. They only see each other when we go up the mountains and stay at the villa that belongs to our relatives. Freya calls it ‘Ping Pong House’ because it has a table tennis set in the recreation room.

I’ve been going there since my teenage years and the place holds many good memories. After my husband passed away I avoided going to this place because it reminded me so much of him; he liked to wake up very early and went to the nearby waterfall and take pictures. We rarely went on vacation so it was the only place or occasion that felt like a holiday for the three of us.

About a year ago we finally went there again, and that was when this picture was taken. πŸ™‚

May Photo A Day ~ Day 22: Change

Taken with iPhone 3GS camera, edited and labelled in PicFrame.

change (n.): coins of low denomination.

One day after grocery shopping, my daughter asked if she could use the egg packaging after I emptied it. I said OK then she started her project, which turned out to be making some sort of a piggy bank. Of course, after that she started to ask if she could keep the change whenever we–the adults–bought something. She said she wanted to save money so she could buy a Wii and play Pokemon-something with it. Hence the writing and drawing on her egg holder piggy bank. Aww.. With a daughter like her, I wouldn’t change anything in my life. πŸ˜‰